Werner Slabbert Executive Head of PSG Insure Bryanston Pretoria and Tokai

Executive Head:
Werner Slabbert

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PSG Insure

PSG Insure offer asset wealth and insurance management services

PSG Insure offer asset wealth and insurance management services
In 2017, firstEquity Group entered a joint venture with leading independent financial services group PSG Insure, which has offered clients value-orientated asset, wealth, and insurance management in South Africa since 1988, and now has a presence in Namibia and Mauritius.

PSG Insure offices in Bryanston, Pretoria and Tokai now service the Group’s household and motor insurance, together with non-specialised small to medium commercial business. A wildlife and livestock specialist business has recently been acquired, as well as a practice in Modimolle.

PSG Insure also offer wildlife and livestock cover

Educational videos and newsletters: Know your policy

PSG Insure ensure strict service level agreement deadlines

Strict service level agreement deadlines

PSG Insure have dedicated inhouse intermediary and service teams

Dedicated in-house intermediary and service teams

PSG Insure use experienced claims handlers with strict SLA agreements

Experienced claims handlers with strict SLA agreements

PSG Insure allocate a personal adviser dedicated to your portfolio

A personal adviser dedicated to your portfolio

PSG Insure also offer Geotechnical reports

Geotechnical reports

PSG Insure offer domestic and commercial asset risk surveys

Risk surveys (domestic and commercial asset surveys)

PSG Insure offer excess solutions premium waivers and tyre solutions

Excess solutions, premium waivers, and tyre solutions

PSG Insure offer access to risk assessment and business interruption tools

Access to risk assessment and business interruption tools

Werner Slabbert

Bachelor of International Trade & Marketing, National Certificate: Wealth Management

Werner is an experienced professional with 13 years’ experience in working across all lines of business within financial services.

He joined the group in 2019 with the core focus in growing the PSG Division. Werner is highly skilled in Distribution strategies, Business Process and Sales.

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