Everything Insure Executive Head Mishaya Chettiar-min

Executive Head:
Mishaya Chettiar

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Everything.Insure is an all-in-one insurance platform that allows you to easily and quickly get all of your insurance needs covered without any paperwork required. With Everything.Insure, you have the ability to manage and understand all of your cover in one place, giving you complete control over your portfolio. 

The platform provides 24/7 online access, making it easier than ever to stay on top of insurance coverage. 

African Risk Transfer General Liability

Get quotes and buy instantly.
Get multiple comparative quotes from the top insurers, and get access to the best products at the best prices.

firstEquity Professional Liability achieves and maintaina competitive premiums

Manage your cover online.
Manage and adjust all your policies in one place. Customise your policy to your budget and needs.

African Risk Transfer Profesional Indemnity

File quick claims.
Claiming is quick and easy. You can submit a claim online anytime, anywhere. Stay up-to-date with the status of your claims in real-time.

Mishaya Chettiar

B.Com (Information Systems); Honours (Information Systems, Strategic Management, and Innovation)

With over a decade of experience in the management consulting industry, Mishaya has refined her skills working for a variety of companies – Accenture, RMB, JD Group, and Mercedes-Benz, with a particular focus on Financial Services. She has run her own consulting practice for the past five years and had an integral role in driving the digital transformation of the firstEquity Insurance Group.

As Executive Head of Everything.Insure, Mishaya is responsible for shaping the strategy, innovation, marketing, and design of the user interface for this cutting-edge digital insurance marketplace platform. With a keen attention to detail and design, her influence is evident in the slick and easy to navigate E.I platform.

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